What a month this has been!
Through all the work and some well spent time at the beach enjoying the last few rays of summer sun, I managed to do a long drive with my car, amazing as it is and how I can manage to be so far away from it for so long.
I also had some close encounters with some proper 4 wheeled monsters, as you can see from the pictures below.
A million Euros is a lot of cash!
And you can’t stop but wonder: would I really, REALLY spend a million euros in “just” this car?
I mean it’s THE car of the decade, but even now I doubt it will ever dethrone the mighty Macca from the top of the automobile food chain.
I haven’t driven neither unfortunately, but it kind of makes me wonder: would I?
When I could have a Zonda F for less, a Bristol fighter for a lot less, and even a nice pristine Enzo with some Edo tuning for about the same..
Ultimatly, you would choose according to your liking!
I’m still a bit of a racer, and to me the sleek lines of the Enzo with the Edo treatment would have me from the first glimpse.
The Zonda would be my “sensible” choice. The one to drive everyday and not worry too much.
The Bristol, well, if I lived in London.. Maybe…
The Bug is an amazing achievement and my kudos to VW and Bugatti for having it built.
I have seen the road tests and videos, and it is an amazing piece of machinery.
Having seen one in the flesh it does have outstanding craftsmanship and interior quality and care in it’s design.
But it’s a big, heavy car.
And that’s an issue for me.
You see lightness, for me, is the ONLY way to go.
I practically sold my car to pre order the next Ferrari when they put out the millechilli prototype, and it’s no secret how I feel about their first derivative of that project (just read the next post).
Lotus is “IT” for me, mainly because of the lightweight mantra.
They just fly, where others rattle and shake.
And when it comes time to turn (what really separates a great car, from a fast car) they just go like some divine hand is holding them down to the pavement.
After some particularly spirited driving I often wonder if Collin himself wasn’t giving me some pointers from above, or discussing with Senna how I could have negotiated that better.
There’s another option of course: the MC12.
I was actually more excited about it than I was about the bug.
It’s just so.. out of this world!
It’s a racer through and through!
And the sound it makes is addictive.
You just want more of it, like some high-octane and decibel junkie!
It’s cheaper too, with examples being sold for less than a Mill.
Lighter, witch means it doesn’t need 1001HP, 624 are more than enough.
And you can use it to impress your neighbours, who won’t be impressed if you show up with a Veyron, they’ll just take you for a snob!
Ah well, if someday I’ll happen to have a million quid lying around I know I’ll have a hard time choosing…
I didn't have my camera or phone with me when I "met" the MC so this is your standard google pic
Avenue Montaigne, Paris. Unforgetable day!